Thursday, October 4, 2012

Why a picture is worth a 1000 words!

In recent sessions I have been doing some interactive coaching for Social Media and it brought be back to the very simple realization that some people are much more visual than others and now with our diverse set of media, screens and the speed of information, being visual is a way to be powerful.

What does that mean, take these two examples:

One -


Two -

No real comparison is there...

The visual representation sparks memories within your brain that words just aren't equipped for.

While coaching others in the use of Facebook I have found some of the most interesting, smart stories about how to grow your own brand lie in the area of pictures and visual representations.  As an entrepreneur I love the Kauffman Foundation, based in Kansas City, and use it for many great examples.  The just released a exciting new set of data on entrepreneurship in the United States, it focused on which states, cities and counties have representation in the Inc. Magazine - Inc. 500 top growth companies chart and also how areas across the US are growing.  To get the intellectual advantage the Kauffman Foundation went a step further and made their charts interactive and put the most interesting information about the geography of companies into an InfoGraphic format.

Check out these great examples of the impact of visual information:

(Click link below for interactive chart in a new window)
Inc. 500 Interactive Chart for Growth

Moral of today's story - if you want to be "Powerful", remember to be "Visual"


With kind regards,

~Christopher J. Cribb
Today's Cribb Note - Don't Miss the 3rd Annual American Royal Wine Competition & Auction - Oct. 11th in support of the American Royal, we have some outstanding auction items - just in this week, a bottle of Madeira from 1845... yes, this bottle is from 20 years before the CIVIL WAR!
Christopher J. Cribb
Mobile - 816.982.5990
@cjcribb - Twitter
LinkedIN - cjcribb

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