Sunday, December 2, 2012

What is REALLY important? - Special Tribute to Zig Ziglar

The morning alarm got our team rolling today around 7am - fairly early for a Sunday and with half of the weekend over some unhappy faces on the TV. With the passing of a great man on my mind, Zig Ziglar, I thought this might be a good time to stop and reflect on what really is important.  It differs for each of us, but overall what do we need to be doing to make our lives, the lives of our families, and the world around us a better place?

The question in my head today... What is really important?

Why don't we dive a layer deeper into this issue by starting with a real-world example.  As many close friends know, I started working with a new firm two months ago, BillSoft, Inc., a breath of fresh air to start each day in an office with a clean slate and to ask the all important question, what is really important?  Having a tabula rosa to achieve as much as possible with less of the everyday clutter of activities that can steal away our time, I have taken this challenge to heart.  I wrote it on the wall so that I see it everyday, I think of it before work, during work, and after work when I am home with my family.  The sincerity of asking yourself this single question as a signpost, before you get into an activity is VERY POWERFUL. 

Do I need to research X category?
Is it worth the time to write a personal thank you note?
Would it help others if I updated a sales tool?

They are all questions that can be reviewed quite simply by asking yourself the question...

What is REALLY important?

I have challenged myself to create a paradigm of success in this new position that will grow upon great habits, hard (but smart) work, and the reality that everyday actions can lead to great success on a personal and professional level.  Not everyone will be in a new position as I have been, but we do have the end of the 2012 calendar year on the horizon, make a commitment to start fresh for the next year and think about what is really important.

No rocket science here, just the simple truth that you can help yourself if you will stop, ask the question, think and understand the WHY behind the reality.

I love business as an entrepreneur, but the same life lessons that bring home truth in the office are relevant to the home, to your family, to your spiritual life and in many ways guide all of what you are doing on this crazy blue sphere.  :) 

The next time you come home from work after a long day and you start to way the options of:

Watching the football game on TV,
Calling that friend that you know might be having a bit of a hard time,
Helping with dinner or the dishes,
Sitting down with your little one to read a story or help with homework
Picking up a pen to write down your own thoughts...

Do the same thing, ask yourself "What is REALLY important?"

I looked around for a few of the best pieces to share some insights from Zig Ziglar and as I am just a novice in the world of good advice I thought I would close today with a number of Zig's favorite inspirational sayings and a few YouTube video clips from the man himself.  I have always thought Zig was a great influence, because in a 200mph world where we are getting content, ideas, options buzzing by our minds at break-neck speed; Zig offers the perspective to slow down, think a bit more and understand what is really important!  Zig, thanks for some good sage advice over the years and rest in peace!

Location for Zig Ziglar - Top 10 Videos on YouTube

Zig Ziglar died this week at age 86. A World War II veteran, Zig Ziglar became the top sales person in several organizations before striking out on his own as a motivational speaker and trainer. With a Southern charm and lessons grounded in Christianity, Ziglar wrote over two dozen books and amassed a following of millions who were encouraged by his lessons for success.
Below are 10 quotes from Zig Ziglar that have the power to completely change the direction of one’s life.
10) “Remember that failure is an event, not a person.”
9) “You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”
8 ) “People often say motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing—that’s why we recommend it daily.”
7) “There has never been a statue erected to honor a critic.”
6) “People don’t buy for logical reasons. They buy for emotional reasons.”
5) “Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes.”
4) “If you go looking for a friend, you’re going to find they’re scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere.”
3) “A goal properly set is halfway reached.”
2) “Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”
1) “If you can dream it, you can achieve it.”


Christopher J. Cribb
Mobile - 816.982.5990
@cjcribb - Twitter
LinkedIN - cjcribb
Christopher Cribb - Google

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Why a picture is worth a 1000 words!

In recent sessions I have been doing some interactive coaching for Social Media and it brought be back to the very simple realization that some people are much more visual than others and now with our diverse set of media, screens and the speed of information, being visual is a way to be powerful.

What does that mean, take these two examples:

One -


Two -

No real comparison is there...

The visual representation sparks memories within your brain that words just aren't equipped for.

While coaching others in the use of Facebook I have found some of the most interesting, smart stories about how to grow your own brand lie in the area of pictures and visual representations.  As an entrepreneur I love the Kauffman Foundation, based in Kansas City, and use it for many great examples.  The just released a exciting new set of data on entrepreneurship in the United States, it focused on which states, cities and counties have representation in the Inc. Magazine - Inc. 500 top growth companies chart and also how areas across the US are growing.  To get the intellectual advantage the Kauffman Foundation went a step further and made their charts interactive and put the most interesting information about the geography of companies into an InfoGraphic format.

Check out these great examples of the impact of visual information:

(Click link below for interactive chart in a new window)
Inc. 500 Interactive Chart for Growth

Moral of today's story - if you want to be "Powerful", remember to be "Visual"


With kind regards,

~Christopher J. Cribb
Today's Cribb Note - Don't Miss the 3rd Annual American Royal Wine Competition & Auction - Oct. 11th in support of the American Royal, we have some outstanding auction items - just in this week, a bottle of Madeira from 1845... yes, this bottle is from 20 years before the CIVIL WAR!
Christopher J. Cribb
Mobile - 816.982.5990
@cjcribb - Twitter
LinkedIN - cjcribb